Wisdom Teeth Extraction: Post-Op Do’s And Don’ts

Wisdom Teeth Extraction: Post-Op Do’s And Don’ts


There are various dental problems that require extraction and surgeries. One such condition that needs to be removed early is wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are the last molars that come in the back of your mouth usually during the early 20s. Not all wisdom teeth cause pain but if it starts concerning you then you might need a wisdom teeth extraction. Firstly, you must visit a reputed dentist in Siliguri who can evaluate your condition and check whether you’re suitable for the extraction or not.

Some warning signs which may indicate that it is time for the extraction are damage to other teeth, pain, and infection. You must know that if this condition is not managed at the right time then the infection might worsen causing distressing symptoms such as fever, bad breath, pain, gum inflammation, and pus coming out of the infected gum. The doctor may recommend antibiotics and oral hygiene first to control the symptoms but if the condition doesn’t improve then the extraction will be done.

Procedures Included In The Wisdom Teeth Extraction

A dental surgery is performed to extract the wisdom teeth and give you permanent relief from the excruciating pain. However, to attain a speedy recovery and successful healing, you must properly follow the post-operation instructions advised by the dentist. You must know that during the extraction, the doctor first numbs your teeth and gum through anaesthesia.

After that, a few incisions are made in the gum to expose the stuck wisdom teeth. The dental surgeon in Siliguri will then loosen the wisdom teeth and then remove them. The areas from where the teeth are removed are cleaned thoroughly to avoid infection. Herein, the doctor will then close the surgical site with stitches and place gauze to reduce bleeding.

Post-Operation Do’s and Don’ts You Must Follow

ØImportant Do’s-

1. Use ice packs- During the initial 24-48 hours of the teeth extraction, it is advised to use ice packs as they can reduce swelling and minimize pain.

2. Do jaw exercises- You can try to close and open the jaws slowly after a few days of the extraction. Always ask the doctor about the exercises before starting them.

3. Try to keep your head elevated- After undergoing the extraction, keep your head elevated which will help you to lessen swelling in the surgical sites.

4. Follow a soft food or liquid diet- For a few days after the extraction, follow a soft food diet that may include mashed potatoes, soup, smoothies, and milkshakes.

5. Brush gently- On the second day of the extraction, you can start brushing the teeth gently but you must avoid brushing the surgical areas.

6. Take the prescribed medications- You should always remember to take all the medications prescribed by the dentist in Siliguri to minimize the risk of infection and attain a fast recovery.

ØImportant Don’ts-

1. Don’t eat immediately after the surgery- You should never start eating, talking, or drinking anything immediately after the surgery as it can reopen the stitches and cause pain.

2. Don’t use straws- It is always better to avoid drinking through straws after the extraction as it can dislodge the blood clots while drying out the sockets.

3. Don’t lift heavy objects- You shouldn’t lift heavy objects after surgery as it can increase the chances of swelling, pain, and bleeding.

4. Don’t eat crunchy or sharp foods- You must avoid eating any sharp and crunchy food such as chips and pretzels for a few days because it can cause pain and delay the healing process.

5. Don’t touch the surgical sites- You should not touch or poke the surgical site with your finger, tongue, or toothpick since it can also delay healing and cause infection.

6. Don’t miss the follow-up appointments- Even if you’re feeling well, you shouldn’t miss any appointments with the dentist as it is necessary to check the healing process.

Careful adherence to the guidelines advised by the dentist in Siliguri is essential during the first 48 hours of the wisdom teeth extraction. By following the above-mentioned do’s and don’ts you can enjoy a pain-free and comfortable recovery journey while ensuring proper dental health with no further complications. 

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